Why and How to Conduct Trademark Search in Chennai
Trademark [TM] Search
“Conducting a trademark search is associate degree incentive to the method of registering your trademark”. Performing a trademark [TM] search may be a crucial step before adopting a trademark. Trademarks are wanted to shield the identity of a business/company. once a metal search is conducted, the likelihood of a trademark being just like an existing trademark is checked. people and corporations who fail to perform a trademark search ahead of time usually regret later once they notice themselves entangled in costly legal disputes or in things when they are compelled to alter their trademark, each of that may have been simply avoided with a straightforward trademark search. Today the market is flourished with wholes and every brand owner desires to assert perquisites towards their name. a replacement and distinctive brand name not solely offers you an exclusive right over your trademark/ brand name however it conjointly gives an exclusive image within the mind of the customers. The method of trademark registration ought to be forever initiated with the conduct of trademark search. The conduct of trademark search in India gives you the main points of the existence of any similar brand names/trademark which might be just like your brand name/trademark or else if there’s no record of any brand name/trademark just like yours. Trademark Search may be done once you confer with your Class Details (The Trademark Act, 1999 provides trademark classification which forty five categories for numerous product and services).

Why conduct the Trademark search?
-TM search provides info and details of any existing similar brand name/ trademark similar to yours.
-It provides information of brand name name/ trademark which might be phonetically similar to your brand name/trademark.
-Trademark search provides you information of any well-known marks which are similar to your brand name/ trademark.
-It provides you with a listing of prohibited marks (marks that are prohibited from registration by a personal individual) in order that you’ll be able to check whether or not your name/ trademark falls below the list of such prohibited marks.
-If your whole name contains a emblem or device, Trademark search offers you info and details of comparable brand name/ trademark under the Vienna Code Classification (International Classification of figurative elements) just like your brand name/ trademark.
Therefore, Trademark Search is incredibly abundant necessary to grasp whether your brand name/trademark may be registrable under the Trademark Act. If any similar trademark exists within the trademark registry, then alter your mark or choose a replacement name. just in case your brand-name is noninheritable distinctiveness within the market, then you’ll be able to move to register your brand-name. it’s forever better to conduct a trademark search before filing a trademark application for registration of the trademark. Trademark search offers you a gist of registrability of your trademark below The Trademark Act, 1999.
What is trademark public search?
A trademark public search is created within India Trademark written record database. The search determines whether or not a projected trademark is accessible to be used in reference to sure merchandise or services. within the trademark search India, similar word marks in addition as phonetically similar names during a specific category is comprehensively searched.
How to conduct trademark public search in India?
An on-line trademark search in the Trademark written record India can be done freed from charge at the Indian trademark database link. Trademark Search is split into 3 categories
Wordmark – For similar illustration of wordmark;
Vienna Code – For similar artistic representation; and
Phonetic – For phonetically similar words.
Trademark Search Parameters
There three search type options are available that includes Wordmark, Vienna Code and Phonetic. Therefore, you will have to select the search type from the options given in the tab.
Wordmark Search
For example, to perform a Wordmark search, select “Wordmark” option from the search type and insert the keyword(s) of your proposed trademark in the box corresponding to “Wordmark”. There are 45 classes of trademark registration. Classes 1-34 deals with various goods and Classes 35-45 deals with services as per Nice Classification. Accordingly, you will have to enter the class in the box correcting to “CLASS”. You can perform the wordmark search using any prefix method “Starts With”, “Contains” or “Match With”. A search with a keyword in “Starts With” option and the result will show all the trademark starting with the searched keyword. Similarly, a search with a keyword in the “Contains” option will show result all the trademark containing the searched keyword. Search Result After you enter required details as above, click on ‘Start Search’ button to view your search result. The details of each of the trademark such as S.No., matching trademark(s) and images would be shown in the table. You can click the selection box shown in S.No. for the desired trademark to view or click the box at the left top corner to view all the result. After selecting the boxes, click the “Report” to view the result of all trademarks in details. After doing the trademark search if it is found that there are no similar trademarks on record, then you may proceed to file the trademark.
Phonetic Search
The phonetic search would be same as that of above Word mark search method, except without any prefix method. Therefore, you can follow the same step as mentioned above for phonetic search of the trademark.
Vienna code Search
Vienna code search is mainly performed to find the similar device mark, and you will have to enter the six digit Vienna code in corresponding to “Vienna code”, and select your relevant class. After the search, the result table would show all the mark containing the device. Please note that the above steps are general procedures for trademark search in India. However, it is advisable to seek professional assistance to get the trademark registrability of your brand name or logo. We suggest you to visit our trademark search services before filing your trademark applications.